Continuity of Veteran Care


Prior to running the demo trail, start the VICS Client demo environment as specified.

Select User and Patient

First, you will be able to select a user.

Select User

Then, choose a patient and see basic demographics

Patient Selection

Create a Vital Widget

To create a vital, we must first add the Vital Widget to the screen.

Select Action… Select Action

And select Vital… Create Vital Widget

We are now able to enter a new Vital Create Vital

Selecting the Enter a new Vital icon takes you to the window where you can choose Date and Time Taken, Hospital Location, Vital, and enter a value.

We will enter information for a Blood Pressure measurement… New Vital Blood Pressure

Then a Temperature measurement… New Vital Temperature

Then a Height measurement… New Vital Temperature

The main vitals widget now displays the entered data. Vitals Created

Remove a Vital

The VICS Client lets a provider remove an vital by declaring that it was entered in error. To do this, we select the Entered In Error icon in the Details window shown. Entered In Error

Up pops a dialog that let’s a provider make a comment … Entered In Error Comment

and in the VICS Client Vitals Widget, the Patient now has 2 vitals … Allergy Removed